How to Get Dual Citizenship Malta in 2024? (A Comprehensive Exploration)

How to Get Dual Citizenship Malta

To get dual citizenship in Malta, you can apply by birth, registration, naturalization, or direct investment for exceptional services. Maltese Citizenship by Descent can be acquired based on birth in Malta of an ascendant and parent.

Additionally, citizenship can be obtained through naturalization if one proves residency in Malta for at least five years before applying. Malta allows dual citizenship, including with the United States, and the most recommended path to Maltese citizenship is through naturalization for exceptional service by direct investment.

Dual citizenship in Malta is a sought-after status for individuals seeking greater mobility, business opportunities, and lifestyle options. Whether by descent, naturalization, or direct investment, acquiring Maltese citizenship provides access to the European Union and a strategic foothold in the Mediterranean region. With flexible eligibility criteria and a proactive approach to dual nationality, Malta presents an appealing pathway for those seeking to expand their citizenship portfolio.

Eligibility Criteria For Malta Citizenship

When it comes to acquiring dual citizenship in Malta, there are several pathways available to individuals. The eligibility criteria for Malta citizenship encompass various methods, including birthright and descent, registration based on marriage or civil union, residence and naturalization, and exceptional services by direct investment. Understanding the qualification requirements for each of these pathways is essential for those seeking to obtain Malta citizenship.

Birthright And Descent

Maltese Citizenship by Descent can be acquired on the basis of the birth in Malta of an ascendant and his/her parent, upon making the apposite application and taking the oath of allegiance.

Registration Based On Marriage Or Civil Union

If the person automatically qualifies for dual citizenship, he/she needs to present the following: Birth certificate; Marriage certificate (when applicable).

Residence And Naturalization

Citizenship can be acquired through naturalization if one proves that he/she resided in Malta for five years preceding the date of application.

Exceptional Services By Direct Investment

Of all the possible ways to become a Maltese citizen, Malta Citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Service by Direct Investment is the most recommended.

Malta Citizenship By Descent

Malta Citizenship by Descent offers individuals the opportunity to attain Maltese citizenship based on the birth in Malta of an ascendant and their parent. By navigating the application process and meeting the documentation requirements, eligible individuals can secure dual citizenship and enjoy the benefits it offers.

Documentation Requirements

When applying for Malta Citizenship by Descent, it is crucial to present the required documentation to support the application. The following documents are typically necessary:

  • Birth certificate of the individual seeking citizenship
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Parent’s birth certificate
  • Parent’s marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Proof of lineage and ascendant’s birth in Malta

Application Process Overview

The application process for Malta Citizenship by Descent involves several key steps:

  1. Obtaining and preparing the necessary documentation
  2. Submitting the application to the relevant authorities
  3. Completing the oath of allegiance, if required
  4. Once all requirements are met, the individual can acquire Maltese citizenship by descent

Maltese Citizenship by Descent Grandparents

If you have Maltese grandparents, you may be eligible for Maltese citizenship by descent. The direct line of descent must be from an ascendant (grandparent) born in Malta. Here are the key points regarding eligibility and the process:

  1. Registration Process:

    • To apply for Maltese citizenship by descent, you’ll need to provide evidence of your lineage.
    • Documents such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, and other relevant records are essential.
    • If your parents or grandparents are still alive and are also direct descendants themselves, they should apply for Maltese citizenship to maintain the unbroken link.
  2. Ineligibility Scenarios:

    • The concept of a ‘Citizenship link’ is crucial. If the parent of an applicant was alive on or after August 1, 2007, but passed away after August 1, 2010, without applying for Maltese citizenship, the link is broken, and the applicant loses the right to apply.
    • However, if any of the ascendants died before August 1, 2007, or if the parent of the applicant dies within three years from that date without applying for citizenship, the applicant can still be deemed to have acquired citizenship, preserving eligibility for Maltese Citizenship by Descent.
  3. Stateless Individuals:

    • If you are stateless (without any citizenship) and were born in Malta, you may also be granted Maltese citizenship.
    • The Minister’s opinion determines whether the grant is not contrary to the public interest.
  4. Physical Presence in Malta:

    • Unlike some other citizenship routes, Maltese citizenship by descent does not require a minimum physical presence in Malta.

Naturalization Path To Maltese Citizenship

When it comes to acquiring dual citizenship, the naturalization path to Maltese citizenship is an attractive option for those seeking to become citizens of Malta. Through this process, individuals can fulfill specific criteria to become eligible for naturalization and secure Maltese citizenship, enabling them to enjoy the benefits of dual nationality.

Length Of Residence

As per Maltese citizenship regulations, individuals seeking naturalization must have resided in Malta for a minimum of five years preceding the date of application. This length of legal residence is a critical criterion that applicants need to satisfy to be eligible for Maltese citizenship through naturalization.

Necessary Legal Procedures

Applicants pursuing naturalization for Maltese citizenship must adhere to the necessary legal procedures, including fulfilling the residency requirement, demonstrating a commitment to integrate into Maltese society, and abiding by the country’s laws. Additionally, applicants need to ensure compliance with all legal documentation and requirements set forth by the Maltese authorities.

Integration Criteria

Integration into Maltese society is an essential aspect of the naturalization path to Maltese citizenship. Individuals seeking dual citizenship through naturalization are expected to demonstrate their integration into Maltese society by actively participating in the local community, embracing the country’s cultural values, and adhering to its social norms. This integration criteria forms a significant part of the naturalization process for attaining Maltese citizenship.

How to Get Dual Citizenship Malta


Exceptional Investment In Malta

When it comes to obtaining dual citizenship in Malta, there is an exceptional pathway available for individuals seeking to secure Maltese citizenship. The direct investment scheme offers a compelling opportunity for those looking to make a financial commitment in exchange for the prospect of dual citizenship in Malta. Understanding the intricacies of this investment pathway, including the financial commitments and associated benefits, is crucial for those considering this route to acquiring Maltese citizenship.

Understanding The Direct Investment Scheme

The direct investment scheme in Malta provides a clear framework for individuals interested in securing Maltese citizenship through a substantial and direct financial commitment to the country. This pathway typically involves making a qualifying investment in the Maltese economy, with specific requirements and guidelines set forth by the Maltese government and related authorities. It is essential for potential applicants to thoroughly understand the eligibility criteria and investment options available under this scheme.

Below is a comprehensive table summarizing the Malta Citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment (CES) program, including costs, investment types, and other relevant details:

Program NameMalta Citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment (CES)
ObjectiveObtain full Maltese citizenship and a European passport through foreign investment.
Investment Timeline

Standard: 36 months

Expedited (larger investment): 12 months

Eligibility Criteria

– Meet specific investment and eligibility criteria.

– Contribute significantly to Malta’s development.

Investment Options

1. Real Estate: Purchase property in Malta.

2. Business Investment: Invest in existing businesses or start new ventures that create jobs.

3. Government Fund Contribution: Contribute to Malta’s National Development and Social Fund.

Minimum Investment

Varies based on investment type:

– Real Estate: Typically around €350,000

– Business Investment: Varies based on business size and type

– Government Fund Contribution: €650,000 (single applicant) or €750,000 (applicant with dependents)

Additional Costs

– Application Fee: Approximately €5,500

Due Diligence Fee: Varies based on family size

Legal and Administrative Fees: Varies based on legal assistance needed


– Maltese Citizenship: Full citizenship granted.

European Passport: Visa-free travel to numerous countries.

Economic Advantages: Access to Malta’s stable economy and business opportunities.

Remember to consult official sources and seek professional advice when considering any citizenship by investment program. The specifics may vary, so it’s essential to stay informed about the latest updates and requirements .

Financial Commitments And Process

Upon opting for the direct investment pathway, individuals are required to fulfill the financial commitments as outlined by the Maltese government. The investment amount, along with the stipulated process for initiating and completing the investment, plays a pivotal role in the application process for dual citizenship. It is imperative to meticulously comprehend the financial obligations and procedural steps associated with the direct investment scheme to navigate the pathway effectively.

Benefits Of This Pathway

The direct investment scheme for securing Maltese citizenship offers a host of compelling benefits for eligible candidates. From the prospect of obtaining dual citizenship in a strategic European Union member state to potential economic opportunities and access to the EU market, this pathway presents valuable advantages for individuals and families considering Maltese citizenship through investment. Understanding the array of benefits associated with this pathway is crucial for making an informed decision about pursuing dual citizenship in Malta.


Staying Compliant With Dual Citizenship Laws

Acquiring dual citizenship in Malta can be a significant advantage, but it’s crucial to stay compliant with the dual citizenship laws to ensure you maintain your status without any legal ramifications. Below are key aspects to consider to stay compliant with dual citizenship laws in Malta:

Passport Renewals And Residency Stipulations

Passport Renewals: Upon obtaining Maltese citizenship, it’s essential to keep track of your passport expiration date. Ensure to renew your Maltese passport before it expires to maintain your citizenship status. A valid passport is vital for international travel and establishing the rights associated with Maltese citizenship. Failure to renew the passport on time may lead to complications and potential loss of dual citizenship.

Residency Stipulations: For individuals holding dual citizenship in Malta, it’s important to understand the residency requirements. To maintain dual citizenship status, adherence to the residency criteria is essential. Complying with the stipulated residency regulations ensures the continuity of Maltese citizenship rights and privileges.

Legal Obligations And Tax Considerations

Legal Obligations: As a dual citizen of Malta, it’s imperative to be aware of the legal obligations associated with citizenship. Understanding and adhering to the legal framework, including obligations related to military service, jury duty, and other civic responsibilities, are crucial for staying compliant with the dual citizenship laws in Malta.

Tax Considerations: Dual citizens need to be cognizant of the tax implications related to their dual citizenship status. It’s essential to stay informed about tax obligations, reporting requirements, and any potential tax benefits or liabilities that may arise due to holding dual citizenship in Malta. Seeking professional tax advice is advisable to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations.

Benefits Of Maltese Citizenship

Obtaining Maltese citizenship comes with a myriad of benefits ranging from travel freedoms to economic and social advantages. The Maltese citizenship presents numerous opportunities for those looking to expand their global reach, enjoy economic prosperity, and experience the rich cultural heritage of Malta.

Travel Freedoms And Opportunities

Possessing Maltese citizenship opens doors to a plethora of travel freedoms and opportunities. Malta, as a member of the European Union, allows its citizens to travel, live, and work across the EU member states without the need for additional visas or permits. This provides access to a diverse range of experiences, including new job prospects, educational opportunities, and an enriching lifestyle in various European countries.

Economic And Social Advantages

Maltese citizenship offers a host of economic and social advantages to its holders, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking to improve their personal and professional lives. Becoming a Maltese citizen grants access to a robust and stable economy, including opportunities to invest in lucrative industries and benefit from tax incentives. Additionally, citizens can enjoy high-quality healthcare, education, and social welfare programs, contributing to a high standard of living and overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Get Dual Citizenship Malta

Can You Be A Dual Citizen Of The US And Malta?

Yes, you can be a dual citizen of the US and Malta. Malta allows dual citizenship with various countries, including the United States.

How Hard Is It To Get Malta Citizenship?

Acquiring Maltese citizenship involves diverse pathways, each with unique requirements and considerations, influencing the overall difficulty. The birthright citizenship route, automatic for those born in Malta to at least one Maltese citizen parent, is relatively straightforward. It aligns with the principle of jus sanguinis (right of blood), making it an accessible option for those meeting the specified criteria.

Registration pathways, catering to spouses, children, long-term residents, and former citizens, present varying degrees of difficulty. For spouses, achieving citizenship after five years of marriage may be considered feasible, while children and long-term residents need to fulfill specific criteria, introducing some variability in the process’s complexity.

The naturalization pathway demands residency, good character, language proficiency, and integration, requiring a commitment to residing in Malta for a specified period. The difficulty of naturalization hinges on an individual’s ability to meet these residency and integration requirements. This pathway entails a comprehensive evaluation of an applicant’s ties to the Maltese community, potentially making it a more involved process for some individuals.

The Citizenship by Investment (CES) program in Malta offers multiple investment options, providing applicants with flexibility. Individuals can choose to invest in real estate by purchasing property in Malta, with a typical minimum investment of around €350,000. Alternatively, the program allows for business investment, enabling applicants to invest in existing businesses or initiate new ventures that create jobs.

The minimum investment for business endeavors varies based on factors such as the size and type of the business. Additionally, applicants have the option to make a Government Fund Contribution to Malta’s National Development and Social Fund, with minimum contributions set at €650,000 for a single applicant and €750,000 for an applicant with dependents. These diverse investment pathways under the CES program cater to different financial capacities and investment preferences, contributing to the overall accessibility of the program for eligible individuals.

Malta’s recognition of dual citizenship adds a layer of flexibility, permitting individuals to hold both Maltese citizenship and citizenship from another country. However, the difficulty of this aspect depends on an individual’s home country regulations regarding dual nationality. Finally, costs and fees across all pathways vary significantly. The CES program involves substantial investments and additional fees, while registration and naturalization may include application fees and legal assistance costs. In essence, the overall challenge of obtaining Maltese citizenship is multifaceted, contingent on personal circumstances, financial capacity, and the specific pathway chosen. Prospective applicants should conduct a thorough assessment of their eligibility and seek professional advice to navigate the complexities inherent in each route.

How Do I Get My Maltese Citizenship By Descent?

You can get Maltese citizenship by descent if you’re born in Malta of an ascendant and parent. Apply and take the oath of allegiance. You may also acquire citizenship through birth, registration, or naturalization for exceptional services. Dual citizenship with the US is allowed.

How Do You Qualify For A Maltese Passport?

You can qualify for a Maltese passport through birth, registration, naturalization, or exceptional services by direct investment. Additionally, Maltese Citizenship by Descent can be acquired on the basis of your birth in Malta or through two consecutive generations born in Malta.

Dual citizenship with the US is also allowed.

How powerful is Malta’s passport?

The Maltese passport holds significant global mobility. Let’s explore its strength:

  1. Passport Index 2023:

  2. European Union Influence:

  3. Visa-Free Travel:

    • Maltese citizens can travel without visas or visa-on-arrival to numerous destinations.
    • This passport facilitates seamless entry to various countries, making it highly desirable.

Can foreigners buy property in Malta after receiving dual citizenship?

Foreigners who have received dual citizenship in Malta can indeed purchase property in the country. Let’s explore the details:

  1. Dual Citizenship in Malta:

    • Malta allows dual citizenship. If you acquire a Maltese passport, you are not obliged to renounce your previous citizenship.
    • The concept of dual citizenship was adopted by Malta in 1989, and it was fully embraced in 2000 through the Maltese Citizenship Act.
    • According to Section 7 of the Act: “It shall be lawful for any person to be a citizen of Malta and at the same time a citizen of another country.”
  2. Ways to Obtain Malta Citizenship:

    • There are several ways to become a Maltese citizen:
      • By Birth: Children born after August 1, 1989, acquire Malta citizenship if at least one parent is a Maltese citizen.
      • By Registration: Eligible individuals can apply for citizenship through registration (e.g., spouses of Maltese citizens, long-term residents).
      • By Naturalization: Residing in Malta for at least five years allows you to apply for naturalization.
      • For Exceptional Services by Direct Investment: Foreigners who choose this option can apply for dual citizenship after 1 or 3 years of residency.
  3. Property Ownership:

    • Once you have dual citizenship, you can freely purchase and own property in Malta.
    • There are no specific restrictions for dual citizens regarding property acquisition.
    • Whether you’re investing in real estate for personal use or as an investment, dual citizenship does not hinder your ability to buy property.
  4. Additional Considerations:

    • When buying property, you’ll need to follow the standard procedures, including legal checks, property searches, and registration.
    • Malta offers various types of properties, from apartments to houses, especially in Special Designated Areas (SDAs) by the sea.
    • If you plan to buy property outside SDAs, you may need a special AIP Permit. However, this permit allows you to purchase only one property for personal use (not for renting out).

How much money do I need to move to Malta?

The cost of living in Malta can vary based on your lifestyle, preferences, and family size. Here’s an overview of estimated monthly expenses:

  1. Accommodation:

    • Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center: €800 – €1,200.
    • Rent for a one-bedroom apartment outside the city center: €600 – €900.
  2. Utilities:

    • Basic utilities (electricity, heating, cooling, water, garbage) for an 85 sq m apartment: €100 – €180.
  3. Transportation:

    • Monthly public transportation pass: €26.
    • One-way local transport ticket: €2.
  4. Groceries and Dining:

    • Basic groceries for a single person: €200 – €300.
    • Eating out at mid-range restaurants (per person): €20 – €40.
  5. Healthcare and Insurance:

    • Health insurance costs vary based on coverage and provider.
    • Private health insurance for an individual: €50 – €100 per month.
  6. Entertainment and Leisure:

    • Cinema ticket: €8 – €15.
    • Fitness club membership: €30 – €80 per month.
  7. Miscellaneous Expenses:

    • Mobile phone plan: €15 – €26.
    • Internet (60 Mbps or more): €25 – €50.
  8. Childcare and Education:

    • Preschool (monthly for one child): €208 – €750.
    • International primary school (yearly for one child): €4,000 – €10,500.

Remember that these are approximate figures, and actual costs may vary. It’s advisable to research further based on your specific circumstances and lifestyle. Additionally, consider one-time expenses like visa fees, relocation costs, and initial setup when moving to Malta. Consulting local resources and expatriates can provide more accurate insights.


Obtaining dual citizenship in Malta is possible through various means such as birth, registration, naturalization, or exceptional service by direct investment. The acquisition process includes presenting necessary documentation and meeting residency requirements. Dual citizenship with the US is permitted, making Malta an attractive option for those seeking dual nationality.


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