How to Get Dual Citizenship in Grenada in 2024? (Comprehensive Guide)

How to Get Dual Citizenship in Grenada in 2024? (Comprehensive Guide)

How to Get Dual Citizenship in Grenada? To obtain dual citizenship in Grenada, you can do so through naturalization, marriage, or investment. Obtaining citizenship in Grenada opens up a world of opportunities, allowing you to experience the vibrant culture and picturesque landscapes of the Caribbean.

By participating in the Citizenship by Investment Program, individuals can acquire Grenadian citizenship through investment in approved projects or by donating to the national fund. Married individuals can also apply for citizenship, and those eligible for naturalization can pursue dual citizenship.

The Grenada passport offers visa-free travel to numerous countries, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking to gain global mobility. With its many benefits, acquiring dual citizenship in Grenada provides a gateway to new opportunities and experiences.


  • Grenada welcomes dual citizenship: You can become a Grenadian citizen while keeping your existing nationality through various pathways like investment, marriage, or naturalization.
  • Investment opens the door: The quickest and most popular route is the Citizenship by Investment Program, requiring either a $150,000 donation or investment in approved real estate for $220,000, granting visa-free travel to over 140 countries and other benefits.
  • Naturalization takes time: If investment isn’t your choice, you can also pursue naturalization after 5 years of residency in Grenada, although the process might be longer and less straightforward.

Table of Contents

Does Grenada Allow Dual Citizenship to Foreigners?

Yes, Grenada does allow dual citizenship to foreigners. This means that you can become a Grenadian citizen while still keeping your existing citizenship from another country. This is a great option for people who want to enjoy the benefits of Grenadian citizenship, such as visa-free travel to over 130 countries, without having to give up their existing nationality. 

There are a few things to keep in mind about dual citizenship in Grenada:

  • Not all countries allow their citizens to hold dual citizenship. So, you will need to check with your home country to see if it is allowed.
  • There may be some tax implications of having dual citizenship. You should speak to a tax advisor to get more information.
  • Grenada does not require you to renounce your existing citizenship to become a citizen. However, some countries do require this, so you will need to check with your home country.

Once you have met the requirements for one of these programs, you can apply for Grenadian citizenship. The application process is relatively simple, and it can be completed in as little as four months.

Eligibility Criteria For Dual Citizenship

Eligibility Criteria For Dual Citizenship

Nationality Laws In Grenada

Grenada recognizes dual citizenship, allowing individuals to hold citizenship in more than one country. The country’s nationality laws do not impose specific prohibitions or requirements regarding dual citizenship for those emigrating to the island or seeking to obtain it.

Birthright Citizenship In Grenada

In Grenada, birthright citizenship is conferred upon individuals born in the country, irrespective of the nationality of their parents. As a result, individuals born in Grenada are automatically considered citizens by birth.

Marriage To A Grenadian National

An individual who marries a Grenadian citizen may become eligible for Grenadian citizenship. However, the specific requirements and process for obtaining citizenship through marriage should be inquired from the Department of Home Affairs in the Office of the Prime Minister in Grenada.

How long does it take to get Grenada citizenship by marriage?

While the allure of obtaining a Grenadian passport through marriage can be tempting, the process is significantly longer and more complex compared to Grenada’s renowned Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program. Unlike the CBI program, which boasts processing times of just 2-3 months, acquiring Grenadian citizenship by marriage can take anywhere from 2 to 5 years, depending on individual circumstances and adherence to specific requirements.

Here’s a breakdown of the key factors impacting the timeline:

1. Residency Requirements:

  • You must be legally married to a Grenadian citizen for at least two years before applying for citizenship.
  • These two years are meant to establish genuine ties and commitment to your Grenadian spouse and life within the country.
  • During this time, you’ll need to demonstrate physical presence in Grenada, typically requiring residence for at least one year.

2. Application Processing:

  • Once you meet the residency requirement, the formal application process can begin.
  • This involves gathering extensive documentation, including marriage certificates, birth certificates, police certificates, proof of income, and medical reports.
  • The application itself can take several months to complete and submit.

3. Government Processing:

  • After submitting your application, it enters the government processing stage, which can be the most unpredictable in terms of timeframe.
  • The Grenada Immigration Department reviews each application thoroughly, conducting background checks and verifying information.
  • Processing times can vary significantly depending on workload and individual case complexities.

4. Oath of Allegiance:

  • Upon approval, you’ll be required to take an oath of allegiance to Grenada, officially renouncing any prior conflicting oaths and pledging loyalty to your new nation.

Factors Affecting Processing Time:

  • Completeness of application: Ensuring all documents are accurate and complete can expedite the process.
  • Government workload: Backlogs and staffing levels can impact processing times.
  • Individual case complexities: Any discrepancies or missing information can lead to delays.

Remember: These are just estimated timeframes, and the actual process for obtaining Grenadian citizenship by marriage can be longer or shorter depending on specific circumstances. Patience, meticulous preparation, and seeking professional guidance can help navigate the process more efficiently.

Naturalization Process

Foreign individuals seeking Grenadian citizenship through the naturalization process need to fulfill certain residency and other requirements. Applicants must apply to the Citizenship by Investment Program to obtain Grenadian citizenship.

Descent And Family Ties

Descent and family ties can also play a significant role in determining eligibility for dual citizenship in Grenada. For example, a child born in a foreign country to U.S. national parents may hold dual nationality, while an individual having one nationality at birth may naturalize in another country at a later date and become a dual national. It is advisable to seek legal counsel or assistance from relevant authorities to navigate the process of acquiring citizenship through descent and family ties.

Grenada citizenship by Descent grandparent

Yes, you may be eligible for Grenadian citizenship by descent if your grandparent was a Grenadian citizen. This pathway falls under the “Registration of a descendant of a citizen of Grenada” provision in the Citizenship Act of 1976. Here’s what you need to know:


  • You must be a descendant of a Grenadian citizen, in this case, a grandchild.
  • Your grandparent must have been born in Grenada or registered as a Grenadian citizen.
  • Your parent(s) may not have registered as Grenadian citizens themselves, but this does not exclude you from acquiring citizenship by descent.

Documents required:

  • Proof of your identity and birth (passport, birth certificate)
  • Proof of your grandparent’s Grenadian citizenship (birth certificate, passport, naturalization certificate)
  • Proof of your lineage connecting you to your grandparents (birth certificates, marriage certificates)
  • Police certificate from your country of residence
  • Completed application form and fees

Application process:

  1. Gather the required documents.
  2. Complete the application form and pay the fees.
  3. Submit your application to the Grenada Immigration Department.
  4. Attend an interview (may be required).
  5. Receive a decision on your application.


The processing time for citizenship by descent applications can vary, but it typically takes 3-6 months.


  • Ensure your documents are complete and accurate before submitting your application.
  • Seek professional guidance from an immigration lawyer or agent familiar with Grenadian citizenship by descent.
  • Be patient, as the process may take some time.
How to Get Dual Citizenship in Grenada


Citizenship By Investment In Grenada

Are you considering obtaining dual citizenship in Grenada? One way to achieve this is through the Citizenship by Investment Program, allowing you to acquire a Grenada passport through investment. Grenada permits dual citizenship, so you can keep your current passport while adding a Grenadian one to your collection.

Overview Of Grenada’s CBI Program

Grenada offers citizenship by investment (CBI) program, providing individuals with an opportunity to obtain the country’s citizenship through investment in approved projects or by contributing to the national fund. This program is regulated by the Citizenship by Investment Act of 2013 and enables eligible applicants and their families to acquire Grenadian citizenship, along with associated benefits.

Investment Options For Citizenship

The CBI program in Grenada offers two primary investment options for obtaining citizenship:

  • Investing in an approved real estate project
  • Contributing to the National Transformation Fund

Benefits And Privileges Of Grenada’s Citizenship

  • Visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 140 countries and territories, including the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, and China
  • Opportunity for business and investment expansion into the United States through the E-2 visa program
  • Tax advantages, including no worldwide income tax

Application Process And Required Documents

The application process for Grenadian citizenship by investment involves the submission of various documents, including but not limited to:

  1. Proof of identity, such as a valid passport
  2. Evidence of the source of funds for the investment
  3. Birth and marriage certificates, where applicable
  4. Police clearance certificates
  5. Good Health
  6. Minimum investment: $150,000 in government-approved real estate or $220,000 in a government bond fund.

Once you meet these requirements, you can begin the application process, which typically takes 3-6 months.

What is the Cost of Obtaining Dual Citizenship By Investment in Grenada?

What is the Cost of Obtaining Dual Citizenship By Investment in Grenada

The cost associated with acquiring Grenada’s citizenship through investment may vary based on the chosen investment option, professional fees, and due diligence checks. Applicants should consider financial commitments, including the investment amount and processing fees, as part of their decision-making process. The primary cost associated with Grenada’s CBI program is the investment itself. However, additional fees apply, including:

  • Due diligence fees: $5,000 per applicant.
  • Government processing fees: $50,000 per family.
  • Legal and professional fees: Variable, depending on the chosen service provider.

Here’s a table summarizing the investment options and their corresponding costs:

Investment OptionMinimum InvestmentAdditional Fees
Government-approved real estate$150,000$55,000
Government bond fund$220,000$55,000

Example of the Cost and Criteria for Property approved Under the CBI program:

Imagine you choose to invest in a $150,000 beachfront condo approved for the CBI program. Your total cost would be:

  • Investment amount: $150,000
  • Due diligence fees: $5,000 (for a single applicant)
  • Government processing fees: $50,000 (for a family)

Total cost: $205,000

Remember, these are just estimates, and the actual costs may vary depending on your circumstances.

Steps to Obtain Dual Citizenship in Grenada by Investment

Grenada offers the opportunity for individuals to acquire dual citizenship through its Investment Citizenship Program, providing a pathway for interested applicants to attain legal status by making qualifying investments in the country.

Obtaining Grenadian citizenship through investment involves a multi-step process:

  1. Select an authorized agent: Partner with a reputable CBI agent to guide you through the application process.
  2. Complete the application: Gather required documents, such as proof of identity, address, and source of funds.
  3. Apply: Pay the application fees and submit all required documents to the Grenada CBI Unit.
  4. Due diligence: Undergo background checks to ensure you meet the program’s criteria.
  5. Approval: Upon approval, invest and pay any remaining fees.
  6. Passport issuance: Receive your Grenada passport and enjoy the benefits of dual citizenship.

Benefits of Multiple Citizenship with a Grenada Passport

Examining the benefits of having more than one citizenship, this section concentrates on the advantages of obtaining a Grenada passport, illuminating the special rights and opportunities that are open to those who opt for dual citizenship.

A Grenada passport unlocks a world of opportunity, granting you:

  • Visa-free travel to over 140 countries: Explore the world with ease, from the Caribbean islands to European capitals.
  • Business and investment opportunities: Access global markets and conduct business with greater flexibility.
  • Enhanced security and mobility: Gain a haven and enjoy the freedom to live, work, and invest in Grenada.
  • Tax benefits: Grenada boasts a favorable tax regime with no income, capital gains, or inheritance taxes.
  • Education and healthcare: Access Grenada’s high-quality education and healthcare systems.

Naturalization And Residency Requirements

Naturalization And Residency Requirements

When considering dual citizenship in Grenada, it’s important to understand the naturalization and residency requirements that need to be met. Whether you are seeking citizenship by marriage, investment, or purely through naturalization, understanding the prerequisites is crucial. Let’s explore the key naturalization and residency requirements for obtaining dual citizenship in Grenada.

Steps To Gain Residency In Grenada

Before applying for dual citizenship in Grenada, the initial step involves gaining residency in the country. This can be achieved through various options such as employment, investment, or retirement. The applicant must fulfill the specific criteria set by the Grenada government to be eligible for residency.

Duration Of Residency Before Eligibility

The duration of residency required before becoming eligible for naturalization and dual citizenship in Grenada is usually five years. During this time, individuals are expected to comply with all immigration regulations and maintain a clean record.

Language And Cultural Knowledge Requirements

Applicants seeking dual citizenship in Grenada are not subjected to specific language or cultural knowledge requirements. However, having a basic understanding of the local culture and being able to communicate in English, the official language, is advantageous.

Application Process For Naturalization

Once the residency requirement is met, individuals can initiate the naturalization process by applying to the Department of Home Affairs in the Office of the Prime Minister in Grenada. The application will undergo a thorough assessment, and successful candidates will be granted the opportunity for dual citizenship in Grenada.

Legal Framework For Multiple Nationalities

When it comes to obtaining dual citizenship in Grenada, it is essential to understand the legal framework for multiple nationalities. This includes the legislation surrounding dual citizenship, how Grenada’s laws interact with other national laws, the process of renouncing previous citizenships if necessary, and the rights and responsibilities of dual citizens in Grenada.

Grenada’s Legislation On Dual Citizenship

Grenada’s legislation allows for the acquisition and recognition of dual citizenship. This means that individuals can hold citizenship in Grenada while retaining their citizenship from another country. Grenada’s laws do not impose any restrictions on dual citizenship for those seeking to obtain or emigrate to the island. This provides individuals with the opportunity to pursue dual citizenship without jeopardizing their existing nationality.

How Grenada’s Laws Interact With Other National Laws?

Grenada’s laws concerning dual citizenship do not conflict with the laws of other countries. Individuals seeking dual citizenship in Grenada should familiarize themselves with the specific regulations and requirements of their current nationality to ensure compliance with all legal obligations. It is important to understand any potential implications or consequences related to holding dual citizenship, as laws and regulations can vary widely across different jurisdictions.

Process Of Renouncing Previous Citizenships (if Necessary)

While Grenada does not require individuals to renounce their previous citizenship, some countries may have regulations that mandate the renunciation of original nationality upon acquiring a new citizenship. It is crucial for individuals to thoroughly research the legal requirements of their home country regarding dual citizenship and renunciation procedures if applicable.

Rights And Responsibilities Of Dual Citizens In Grenada

Dual citizens in Grenada are entitled to certain rights, including the ability to live, work, and study in the country without any restrictions specific to their dual citizenship status. They are also subject to the same legal responsibilities as other Grenadian citizens, such as obeying local laws and regulations.

Obtaining Citizenship Documentation

Obtaining citizenship documentation is a crucial step in the process of acquiring dual citizenship in Grenada. The documentation serves as official proof of your status as a Grenadian citizen and is essential for various purposes, including obtaining a Grenadian passport and enjoying the benefits of dual citizenship. Understanding the procedures and requirements for obtaining citizenship documentation is vital for those seeking to acquire dual citizenship in Grenada.

How To Get Dual Citizenship In Grenada Through Documentation

  • Acquiring a Grenadian passport: The first step in acquiring dual citizenship documentation in Grenada is to obtain a Grenadian passport. This official document serves as proof of your citizenship and is essential for international travel and other official purposes.
  • Registration of Grenadian citizenship: Once you have obtained citizenship through naturalization, marriage, or investment, you must complete the registration process to formalize your status as a citizen of Grenada.

Offices And Authorities In Charge Of Processing Applications

  1. Department of Home Affairs: All applications for citizenship are processed by the Department of Home Affairs in the Office of the Prime Minister in Grenada.
  2. Timeframe and receiving official citizenship papers: The processing time for citizenship applications can vary, but once approved, you will receive official citizenship documentation acknowledging your status as a citizen of Grenada.

What are the Obligations of Grenada Duel Citizens?

Examining the duties and responsibilities of people with dual citizenship in Grenada, this section seeks to clarify the legal and civic responsibilities that come with the honor of having dual citizenship in Grenada and another nation.

General Obligations:

  • Abide by Grenada’s laws and Constitution: As a Grenadian citizen, you are subject to all the laws of the land, just like any other citizen. This includes respecting the country’s legal system, paying taxes, and adhering to its constitution.
  • Maintain a valid Grenadian passport: You are required to renew your Grenadian passport when it expires. Failure to do so may result in difficulty traveling or accessing certain services.
  • Register with the Grenada Embassy/Consulate in your home country: This is not mandatory, but it is recommended to register with the nearest Grenadian diplomatic mission in your home country. This can be helpful if you need assistance while abroad or if there is an emergency.

Specific Obligations (Depending on Circumstances):

  • Military Service: Grenada does not have a mandatory military service requirement. However, male Grenadian citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 may be required to register for some type of national service.
  • Jury Duty: Grenadian citizens may be called upon to serve on jury duty.
  • Voting: Grenadian citizens have the right to vote in national elections. However, if you are also a citizen of another country that prohibits dual citizenship, you may need to choose which country you want to vote in.
  • Taxes: There are several tax benefits available to Grenadian citizens, such as no capital gains tax, inheritance tax, or wealth tax.

Additional Considerations:

  • Dual Citizenship Restrictions: Some countries do not allow their citizens to hold dual citizenship. If you are a citizen of one of these countries, you may need to renounce your citizenship before you can become a Grenadian citizen.
  • Visa Requirements: Even though Grenada has a visa-free travel agreement with many countries, you may still need a visa to travel to certain countries, even with a Grenadian passport.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Get Dual Citizenship In Grenada

How Do I Get My Grenada Passport By Descent?

To get a Grenada passport by descent, you can apply through the Citizenship by Investment Program. This program allows individuals to obtain citizenship by investing in an approved project or making a donation to the national fund. The application process is managed by the Department of Home Affairs.

How Much Does It Cost To Buy Citizenship In Grenada?

Obtaining citizenship in Grenada through investment costs around $150,000+ for a single applicant and $200,000+ for a person with a family. Applicants can acquire citizenship by investing in approved projects like real estate (minimum investment of at least $220,000+ and holding it for 5 years) or donating to the National Transformation Fund (NTF).

What Makes Me Eligible For Dual Citizenship?

To be eligible for dual citizenship, you can acquire it through naturalization, marriage, or investment. Grenada permits multiple nationalities, and it’s necessary to apply through the Citizenship by Investment Program or meet specific requirements set by the country’s laws.

How Powerful Is Grenada Passport?

The Grenadian passport currently provides visa-free access to 117 countries and territories as of January 2024. This ranks it in the upper third of all passports globally, placing it on par with countries like Argentina, Malaysia, and Seychelles. It is a valuable travel document.

Is Grenada’s Citizenship by Investment Program Reliable?

Grenada’s CBI program is a well-established and reputable option, consistently ranked among the best in the world. The program is operated with transparency and integrity, ensuring a smooth and secure application process for investors. By investing in Grenada’s future, you invest in your own. Grenada’s CBI program offers a unique pathway to global mobility, security, and opportunity.

How fast can I get Grenada citizenship?

Using the CBI method, the fastest processing time to become a citizen of Grenada is about three months. There are two ways to become a citizen of Grenada under the Citizenship by Investment Program: making an investment in a project (real estate) that has been approved or making a donation to the National Transformation Fund. The goal of the initiative was to bring in foreign direct investment to Grenada.


Obtaining dual citizenship in Grenada can be achieved through naturalization, marriage, or investment. The Citizenship by Investment Program is a viable option for acquiring Grenada citizenship. Grenada recognizes dual nationality, allowing individuals to maintain their current passports. It’s an appealing prospect due to its numerous benefits and access to visa-free travel to various countries, making it a valuable asset for investors and individuals seeking global mobility.


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