Golden Visa Greece Vs Portugal (What Are the Differences?) – A Detailed Guide

Golden Visa Greece Vs Portugal


The Golden Visa programs in Greece and Portugal offer enticing investment opportunities and residency benefits. Greece grants residency through real estate investments, while Portugal offers a pathway to citizenship.

Both programs require minimum investment amounts, with Portugal’s program being more expensive. Additionally, Portugal offers more flexibility in terms of property investments and allows for additional family members to be included in the application. However, Greece has a faster application processing time and offers the potential for generous returns on investment.

Ultimately, the choice between the two programs depends on individual preferences and investment objectives.

Which Country Is The Best Choice For Obtaining A Golden Visa?

For those seeking a Golden Visa, Greece and Portugal both offer attractive options. With a strong and stable real estate market, Greece provides an excellent investment opportunity. On the other hand, Portugal offers a more cost-effective solution, with a range of benefits including access to the European Union.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on the individual’s preferences and objectives.

Introduction To Golden Visa Programs

When it comes to obtaining a Golden Visa, two countries that often come to mind are Greece and Portugal. These two European nations have become popular choices for foreign investors seeking residency and citizenship by investment programs. However, choosing between Golden Visa Greece and Golden Visa Portugal can be a difficult decision. In this article, we will delve into the details of both programs and discuss which country might be the best choice for obtaining a Golden Visa.

What Is A Golden Visa?

A Golden Visa is a special type of residency permit that offers non-European individuals the opportunity to live, work, or study in the European Union (EU) country that grants it. These visas are typically granted to foreign investors who make a significant investment in the host country’s real estate market, business, or other qualified sectors. The Golden Visa programs have gained popularity due to their flexibility, allowing investors to enjoy the benefits of EU residency or even citizenship without the need to physically reside in the host country for extended periods.

Benefits Of Obtaining A Golden Visa

Both the Golden Visa programs in Greece and Portugal offer an array of benefits to investors. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of obtaining a Golden Visa in each country.

 Golden Visa GreeceGolden Visa Portugal
Residency BenefitsGreek residency for investors and their familiesPortuguese residency for investors and their families
Travel FreedomVisa-free travel within the Schengen ZoneVisa-free travel within the Schengen Zone
Investment OptionsReal estate, business, stocks, bonds, and government bondsReal estate, business, stocks, bonds, and government bonds
Citizenship PathPossible pathway to Greek citizenship after 7 years of residencyPossible pathway to Portuguese citizenship after 5 years of residency
Economic StabilityEmerging real estate market and potential for high returnsStable real estate market and thriving tourism sector
  • Greece: With its emerging real estate market and potential for high returns, Greece offers investors a chance to capitalize on its economic growth. The possibility of obtaining Greek citizenship after 7 years of residency is an added advantage for those seeking long-term plans.
  • Portugal: Portugal, on the other hand, is renowned for its stable real estate market and thriving tourism sector. The possibility of obtaining Portuguese citizenship after 5 years of residency makes it an attractive option for investors looking for a faster pathway to EU citizenship.

Ultimately, the choice between a Golden Visa program in Greece or Portugal depends on individual preferences, investment goals, and long-term plans. Both countries offer great opportunities for investors seeking EU residency or eventual citizenship. Make sure to carefully consider the benefits and investment options of each program to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs.

Eligibility Requirements For Golden Visa In Greece

The eligibility requirements for the Golden Visa in Greece differ from those in Portugal.

When considering obtaining a Golden Visa, it is crucial to be aware of the eligibility requirements imposed by the Greek government. These requirements outline the minimum investment amount, the types of eligible investments, and the residence requirements. Familiarizing yourself with these prerequisites will help you make an informed decision and streamline your Golden Visa application process.

Minimum Investment Amount

One of the key aspects you need to consider is the minimum investment amount required to obtain a Golden Visa in Greece. According to the Greek legislation, eligible investors must invest a minimum of €250,000 in real estate to qualify for the program. However, this investment threshold may vary depending on the location and type of property.

Types Of Eligible Investments

Investors wondering about the types of investments that qualify for the Golden Visa program in Greece have multiple options to choose from. The most common forms of eligible investments consist of residential properties, commercial properties, and tourism facilities. These can include apartments, villas, hotels, resorts, and even undeveloped land for construction. It is essential to note that any investment must comply with the legal framework and regulations set by the Greek government.

Residence Requirements

To retain and renew your Golden Visa in Greece, the program obliges you to fulfill certain residence requirements. First and foremost, you need to spend a minimum of seven days per year physically present in Greece. This obligation allows you to maintain your residency status. It is essential to keep track of your visits to ensure compliance with this requirement.

Moreover, many individuals may choose to relocate to Greece for a more extended period. It is worth noting that after seven years of being a Golden Visa holder, you become eligible to apply for permanent residency or citizenship, providing further opportunities for you and your family.

The Golden Visa program in Greece presents a remarkable chance for individuals seeking residency in a European Union country. By understanding and meeting the eligibility requirements, investors can take advantage of this opportunity and enjoy the benefits associated with Greek residency.

Eligibility Requirements For Golden Visa In Portugal

When it comes to obtaining a Golden Visa in Portugal, there are several eligibility requirements that investors must meet. From minimum investment amounts to specific types of eligible investments and residence requirements, understanding these criteria is essential to successfully navigate the application process.

Minimum Investment Amount

To qualify for a Golden Visa in Portugal, foreign investors are required to make a minimum investment in the country. Currently, the minimum investment amount stands at €500,000. This investment can be made in various forms, including real estate, capital transfer, job creation, or research activities.

Types Of Eligible Investments

Portugal offers a diverse range of eligible investments for obtaining a Golden Visa. These investments can be made in different sectors, such as real estate, tourism, agriculture, or technology. Some of the common types of eligible investments for a Golden Visa in Portugal include:

  • Real estate: Investing in residential, commercial, or urban rehabilitation properties.
  • Job creation: Creating a minimum of 10 jobs in Portugal.
  • Research activities: Investing in research and development projects.
  • Capital transfer: Transferring a minimum of €1,000,000 into Portugal.
  • Investment funds: Investing in funds that support innovation or small and medium-sized enterprises.

Residence Requirements

Once the minimum investment has been made and the Golden Visa has been granted, investors must fulfill certain residence requirements to maintain their visa status. These requirements include:

  • Minimum stays: Investors are required to spend a minimum of 7 days per year in Portugal during the first year of the visa and 14 days per year in the subsequent two-year periods.
  • Renewal: The Golden Visa can be renewed every two years, as long as the investment is maintained and all residency requirements are met.
  • Residence permit: After five years of holding a Golden Visa, investors are eligible to apply for permanent residency or even Portuguese citizenship, subject to fulfilling additional requirements.

Understanding the eligibility requirements for a Golden Visa in Portugal is crucial for investors looking to obtain this coveted residency option. From meeting the minimum investment amount to choosing the right type of investment and adhering to the residence requirements, navigating the process successfully can lead to a secure and attractive residency status in Portugal.

Investment Options For Golden Visa In Greece

Discover the promising investment opportunities offered by the Golden Visa programs in Greece and Portugal. Compare the benefits and advantages of each country’s investment options for the Golden Visa.

Investment options for Golden Visa in Greece Golden Visa programs provide non-European citizens an opportunity to gain residency in a European country by making an investment. Greece is a popular choice among investors due to its attractive climate, rich history, and diverse culture. When it comes to investment options for the Golden Visa in Greece, there are two main categories to consider: real estate investment and business investment.

Real Estate Investment

One of the most common ways to obtain a Golden Visa in Greece is through real estate investment. This option allows investors to purchase property in Greece and gain residency and other benefits. The minimum investment requirement for a Golden Visa through real estate is €250,000. Investing in Greek real estate not only opens doors to residency but also provides the opportunity for rental income and potential capital appreciation. Greece offers a wide range of properties to choose from, including apartments, houses, and villas, catering to different budgets and preferences.

Business Investment

For those looking to actively participate in the Greek economy, the Golden Visa program also offers a business investment option. This allows investors to establish or invest in a Greek company and contribute to the country’s economic growth. To qualify for a Golden Visa through a business investment, the minimum investment requirement is €250,000. This investment can be made in various sectors, such as tourism, manufacturing, agriculture, or technology. By investing in a Greek business, investors not only gain residency but also have the potential to generate substantial returns on their investment. In conclusion, Greece offers attractive investment options for obtaining a Golden Visa, including real estate investment and business investment. Whether you prefer to invest in property or contribute to the economy through a business venture, the Golden Visa program in Greece opens doors to residency and the opportunity for growth. Take advantage of these investment options to secure your future in this beautiful European country.

Investment OptionMinimum InvestmentBenefits
Real Estate Investment€250,000– Residency in Greece
Business Investment€250,000– Residency in Greece

Investment Options For Golden Visa In Portugal

With a Golden Visa, Portugal offers numerous investment options for those interested in gaining EU residency. Discover the advantages of investing in Portugal compared to Greece for this coveted visa program.

Investment options for Golden Visa in Portugal If you are considering the Golden Visa program in Portugal, you have a range of investment options available to you. The program offers not only a pathway to residency but also the opportunity to make profitable investments in the country. In this section, we will explore the key investment options for obtaining a Golden Visa in Portugal.

Real Estate Investment

One of the most popular investment options for the Golden Visa program in Portugal is real estate. This option allows you to invest in properties, either residential or commercial, that meet the required criteria. The minimum investment amount for real estate is €500,000 in general. However, if the property is located in a low-density area or requires renovation, the minimum investment amount can be reduced to €400,000. This is a significant advantage as it provides more flexibility for investors. By investing in real estate, you not only fulfill the requirements of the Golden Visa program but also have the potential for long-term capital appreciation. Portugal’s property market has been steadily growing, particularly in popular cities like Lisbon and Porto. These cities offer attractive opportunities for investors, with high rental yields and a steady demand for both residential and commercial properties.

Capital Transfer Investment

Another investment option to obtain a Golden Visa in Portugal is through a capital transfer. This involves transferring a minimum amount of funds to Portugal, which can be used for various investment purposes. The minimum investment amount for this option is €1 million or €350,000 if it is invested in a research activity or a support for an artistic production of national artistic value or the restoration or maintenance of national heritage. When it comes to capital transfer investment, you have several choices. You can invest in Portugal’s financial markets, such as shares or bonds, or you can invest in Portuguese companies. Investing in companies has its advantages as it not only fulfills the Golden Visa requirements but also allows you to actively participate in the Portuguese business sector. Moreover, Portugal offers a stable and business-friendly environment for foreign investors. The country has a competitive tax system and a strong legal framework that protects investors’ rights. This creates a positive climate for investment and encourages economic growth. In conclusion, The investment options for the Golden Visa program in Portugal are diverse and offer potential for both residency and financial growth. Whether you choose to invest in real estate or opt for a capital transfer, Portugal provides a favorable environment for your investment. The country’s booming property market and business-friendly atmosphere make it an attractive choice for investors worldwide. With the Golden Visa, you not only gain residency in Portugal but also the opportunity to thrive in a thriving economy.

Residency And Citizenship Benefits For Golden Visa In Greece

Greece is known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. It is also gaining popularity among international investors and individuals looking for attractive residency and citizenship opportunities through the Golden Visa program.

Right To Live And Work In Greece

One of the major benefits of obtaining a Golden Visa in Greece is the right to live and work in the country. Once you acquire the Golden Visa, you and your family will have the freedom to reside in Greece for the duration of the visa. This opens up a world of possibilities for business ventures, career opportunities, and a fulfilling lifestyle in the Mediterranean.

Access To Free Healthcare And Education

With the Golden Visa in Greece, you gain access to the country’s renowned healthcare and education system. Greece offers high-quality medical services and treatments, ensuring that you and your loved ones receive excellent care when needed. Additionally, your children will have access to free education in Greek schools, opening doors to a world-class education with a European perspective.

Pathway To Greek Citizenship

An exceptional advantage of the Golden Visa in Greece is the pathway to Greek citizenship. After residing in Greece for a certain period of time and fulfilling the necessary criteria, investors and their families can apply for Greek citizenship. This not only grants you the rights and benefits that come with being a Greek citizen but also provides you with the opportunity to become a part of the European Union and enjoy the benefits of EU membership.

Investing in the Golden Visa program of Greece not only offers the chance for an enhanced quality of life and greater opportunities but also serves as an investment in your future and that of your family. Whether you are seeking a new home, expanding your business horizons, or simply exploring new cultures, Greece offers a Golden Visa that provides residency and citizenship benefits that are hard to beat.


Residency And Citizenship Benefits For Golden Visa In Portugal

Are you considering the Golden Visa program? Portugal offers an incredibly attractive opportunity for individuals and families seeking residency and citizenship benefits. By investing in real estate or other qualifying investments, you can gain the right to live and work in Portugal, access public services and benefits, and even embark on a pathway to Portuguese citizenship. Let’s dive deeper into these remarkable advantages.

Right To Live And Work In Portugal

If you obtain a Golden Visa in Portugal, you gain the right to live and work in this breathtaking country. Portugal’s Golden Visa program offers an open invitation to individuals and families who wish to call this enchanting nation their home. It allows you to enjoy the stunning landscapes, beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and unparalleled lifestyle that Portugal has to offer.

Access To Public Services And Benefits

Once you acquire a Golden Visa, you become entitled to a wide range of public services and benefits in Portugal. This includes healthcare, education, and social welfare benefits, ensuring that you and your family can enjoy a high quality of life while residing in this welcoming country.

Pathway To Portuguese Citizenship

One of the most attractive aspects of the Golden Visa program in Portugal is the pathway to Portuguese citizenship it offers. After a specified period of residency, you can apply for Portuguese citizenship, granting you all the rights and privileges that come with it. Attaining citizenship allows you to truly become a part of the Portuguese society, with access to additional benefits such as voting rights and the ability to travel freely within the European Union.

Golden Visa Greece Vs Portugal


Frequently Asked Questions Of Golden Visa Greece Vs Portugal

How Does The Golden Visa Program In Greece Work?

The Golden Visa program in Greece allows non-EU citizens to obtain a residency permit by investing in real estate. With a minimum investment of €250,000, applicants can enjoy benefits such as visa-free travel within the Schengen zone and the possibility of permanent residency or even citizenship.

What Are The Advantages Of The Golden Visa In Portugal?

The Golden Visa program in Portugal offers numerous advantages. It provides access to the whole family, allows visa-free travel within the Schengen zone, and offers a path to permanent residency after five years. Furthermore, Portuguese Golden Visa holders can eventually apply for citizenship.

How Long Does It Take To Process A Golden Visa Application?

The processing time for a Golden Visa application depends on the country and various factors. In Greece, it typically takes around 40 days to receive approval, while in Portugal, it can take up to 90 days. However, these timeframes may vary based on individual circumstances and the complexity of the application.

Can I Invest In Multiple Properties To Meet The Investment Requirements?

Yes, it is possible to invest in multiple properties to meet the investment requirements for the Golden Visa program. In Greece, the total investment can be spread across multiple properties. In Portugal, it is also possible to invest in multiple properties, as long as the total investment amount meets the minimum requirement.


To wrap up, the Golden Visa programs in Greece and Portugal offer attractive opportunities for obtaining residency and eventual citizenship. Greece’s program provides access to its vibrant culture and history, while Portugal boasts a stable economy and high-quality healthcare. Each country has its unique benefits, so it’s crucial to evaluate your priorities and make an informed decision.

Ultimately, both options present compelling paths towards a brighter future.


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